This much I know about...Alternative Provision

Just over three years ago I sent this email to Mary Myatt. It resulted in five books about the curriculum in which we gave a platform to brilliant practitioners who were shaping curricula across the primary, secondary, special and alternative provision sectors. The series is called Huh, because, when we…

This much I know about...The Letters of Seamus Heaney

‘I’m writing immediately in case I don’t write at all – the usual thing is that I delude myself into thinking a moment will come when I can write the “real” letter.’ ‘Even at 63, I’ve not learned that what’s put aside, stays aside.’ I’ve just…

This much I know about...inclusive, engaging teaching

Earlier this year I catalogued the many insights gleaned from educational experts which have been most influential in my curriculum thinking, in a post entitled, This much I know about… the principles of curriculum planning in action. In a series of short essays I am exemplifying in more detail ten…